There is yin and yang, black and white. Two sides to a coin, two interpretations, two or more point of views to everything. Heck, there are batman haters out there!
When talking about reviews there are good ones and bad ones right? May it be movies, restaurants or softwares. But when it comes to EMR’s, I wonder if there is another side to the story?
Every website you go to will paint a very pretty picture of the software, as if it’s your wonder drug. It would make all the pain go away. They would talk about how the software is “absolute best and has made their lives easier”. “There are absolutely no issues” or “Surpassed my expectations”. Such reviews really make me ask myself, can I trust these EMR Reviews?
The excessively optimistic tone, choice of words with industry specific jargons and outright admiration for the software really pose a question to its validity and reliability as if they are either paid reviews or written by the vendor’s marketing team itself. There are hardly any balanced reviews. What other possible explanation there could be that every other software has such high ratings with absolutely no problems or bug issues. Something which even huge IT giants like apple aren’t deprived off.

Are customers really writing them? It’s easy For a Practice to be disillusioned by these companies, that’s how marketing and sales functions work; it’s all hunky dory until your money is gone out of the pocket.
I don’t mean to be a cynic but websites like Software advice charge money from EMR Vendors to write referrals.  I believe there should be neutral third party reviews to these softwares for us to make the right decision. I personally rely more on word of mouth and physician referrals rather than these websites. I realize it’s necessary for the vendors to establish a brand image online, but they should always know where to draw the line.

What are your thoughts?