Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) are known to improve practice efficiency and provide quality care to patients, giving them a satisfying experience. The health technology gives physicians speedier access to patient data, clinical notes and lab tests that increases confidence of patients in their doctor and understand their health conditions.

No matter how efficient the technology is and how perfect it makes the practice workflow, patients will only be satisfied with it if the physicians are able to deliver better care while utilizing EMRs. Healthcare providers need to demonstrate that EMRs are for their benefit, safety and quality care. Failure to provide such a service will end it patients’ resentment towards technology and strain in Patient Physician Relationship.

This demonstration begins from the front desk of the practice. Patients should be facilitated in every manner while making an appointment. In order to save their time, practice staff can take necessary details over the phone and verify it with the help of their EMR. Patients can also be sent registration forms through emails, so that they don’t have to wait long at the practice.

However, the real interaction begins in the exam room where physicians interact and connect with patients. In order to demonstrate how EMRs facilitate physicians’ work and improve patient care, physicians should try to forge a connection between patients and the electronic system.

The first selling point would be accessibility to patient charts, history, records and lab results on a click. This creates the image of physician’s efficient services and his/her seriousness towards patient’s health. Another approach would be to maintaining eye contact with the patient. One on one communication with patients is necessary to ensure your interest and concern in your patients’ healthcare.

Last, but one of the most important points is to inform your patient clearly about their payment balance. The communication should be clear and polite, so that they don’t have to deal with any issues. 

CureMD Electronic Health Records from CureMD