As we see that medical practices and technologies have advanced to give a sophisticated quality care it is necessary to have the teams of healthcare providers, primary physicians, nurses, technicians and other clinicians.

Each member of the team has its own specific interaction with the patient and depending on the team’s individual member’s area of expertise; every person would have a different view of the patient. Thus in effect the view of the patient by the healthcare can become fragmented into different pieces of facts and symptoms. Healthcare provider requires less broken views of patients.

Having an EHR across the continuum of care allows for:

  • Better integration between providers
  • Up to date medication lists
  • Standardization of data, order sets and care plans
  • Giving access to experts for rural health care providers by  sharing with them the  best practices
  • Faster, convenient and simpler management of disease
How EHRs improve Coordination 

Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems help decrease the disintegration of care by providing a better coordination. EHR allows to organize and integrate the health information and makes its distribution easy among all the providers that are involved in the patient care. For example, alerts from EHR can be used to notify providers when a patient arrives in a hospital, allowing the hospital staff to follow up with the patient.
Using the EHRs providers can access to accurate and up to date information. This is important with those patients who are:

  • Visiting several specialists
  • Making a changeover between care settings
  • Have received treatment in emergency settings

EHRs allow better availability of patient information that gives reduction in medical errors. Thus have a improve care coordination leads to a better of care and an enhanced patient outcome.