Electronic Health
Record (EHR) system should be designed in a way to enable physicians with
specialized practices to provide quality care to their patients. Oncology is a complex
specialty that requires acute care in medical treatments such as, chemotherapy,
and even a minor mistake in the dosage or treatment may cause problems.
Therefore, vendors should design EHR specific to requirements of Oncology that
not only enable Oncologists to record accurate patient information, but also helps
in patient treatment and dosage calculation and management.
An ideal OncologyEHR would help physicians in their daily workflow and provide quality patient
care. The system should have following attributes:
· Library containing diagrams and charts to help Oncologists in diagnosing and planning patient specific treatment plans· Helps in clinical decision of measuring and managing patient dosage and keeping track of regular treatments· Automated alerts for the nursing staff to keep them informed of change in treatment plans· Electronically helps in order, preparation and administration of the chemotherapy plan· Helps in non-clinical practice by keeping record of all charges required for billing of the complete treatment and services.
Interoperability for better care of patients
Oncology EHR should
be interoperable
to ensure efficient working of the system and smooth information sharing among
necessary stakeholders, such as other physicians or surgeons involved in
treatment of the patient, laboratories and hospitals, and pharmacists. This
will enable stakeholders to access patient information in a timely fashion and
create a treatment plan or conduct surgery according to the medical history of
the patient.
mHealth is the new standard
The best
software is the one that is user friendly and runs equally smooth on every
device including, Smartphone, tablets, laptops and desktop. mHealth has become
necessity of the time, as physicians would want to access patient documents on
the go. Therefore, it is suggested that Oncologists opt for an EHR that allows
them to gain access to patient information even when they are away from their
Labels: health IT, Oncology EHR